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Payment methods

1. By cash on delivery or pickup the order.

2. Payment by credit cards Visa, MasterCard.

3. LiqPay payment system.

4. Bank transfer for individuals and legal entities.

5. Payment by gift certificate.

6. Payment with a deferred date.

1. Cash on delivery or pickup the order

You give the money to the courier and sign upon the order receipt.
It is the most convenient way to pay in Kyiv.

Upon the order Pickup you go  to the office, pay by cash or card via the terminal. You can try the ordered products on the ground. If the size does not suitable - we will select the right or help you to choose another model.

We are participating in the program "Bonus Plus" — upon the order payment in the pickup department by  PrivatBank card we return 5% of the purchase amount to the Customer's bonus account.

2. Payment by credit cards Visa, MasterCard

At the moment of the ordering you need to choose the type of payment "Credit Card Payment". Then, after your order will get the status "reserved for payment" You can make a payment from your personal cabinet — section my orders.  Click on "pay by credit card." You will be taken to the server payment system and in a safe mood made a payment.
Important! You can pay only if it has the status "reserved for payment." This ensures the availability of the ordered goods.

Security Policy upon the payment cards

Cash by payment cards occurs via the reliable and secure system of the Ukrainian processing center. This system is based on the modern technological UPC solutions, which are certified by international payment systems and comply with all safety requirements to such systems today. For online payments with the using of credit and debit card the system uses the latest 3-D Secure technology, which guarantees the full security of the transaction to buyer. Technology 3-D Secure is the most advanced standard of payments security and reduces the risk of fraud to a value close to zero. This is achieved mainly due to the fact that the payment for the purchase of 3-D Secure technology is required to authenticate the cardholder. It is carried out on a special bank server that issued the card. For the buyer authentication requires the username and password, which are known only to the cardholder. Thus, a card number is not enough to make a payment. Data transfer security in the Internet is additionaly provided by the using of the SSL encryption protocol (Secure Socket Layer). Upon the UPC system to the payment accepts Visa cards, Visa Electron, MasterCard, Cirrus/Maestro, MasterCard Electronic, issued by any bank in the world. For your own safety, your credit card details are not remains on our Web server.

3. The payment system LiqPay

In order to pay via LiqPay you need a valid Privat Bank card.  

Upon the ordering, select the type of payment "Payment by«LiqPay».
After the order will be reserved you pay it from personal cabinet - section my orders. Click the button «pay order». You goes to the server of payment system in protected regime make a payment. 

Important! You can pay only if it has the status "reserved for payment." This ensures the availability of the ordered goods.

4.Bank transactions for individuals and legal entities

The payment is made by receipt for individuals via any department of the bank, which were receiving payments from individuals or invoices for legal entities.

Warning! The completed sample receipt for payment You will receive on Email with a confirming letter of the agreed order. When your order will get the status "reserved for payment." At this point, all the ordered items are reserved until the receipt of payment.

5. Cash by a gift certificate

You can pay by a gift certificate. Enter the voucher code in your shopping basket and click the button to apply. The certificate amount will be deducted from the order value.

Choose and buy certificate you can right now. This is a great opportunity to make an original and memorable gift!

6. Payment with a deferred date.

The transfer of payment date is possible for up to 14 days from the date of order.

At this time the goods in order are booked and remains the whole conditions currents at the time of registration. For example, if you make an order with a deferred payment date during the promotion or sales, prices and discounts in the order will not change, even if the payment will be after the end of the promotion.

The selected payment date write in a basket in the order comments .

97% of our customers were satisfied!
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